Militia, Uprising {Dutch} Nederland aan de afgrond van de dictatuur adminfebruari 9, 20210 Reactie op een video nieuws bericht … De democratie hangt op twee pijlers, mijns inziens: ① recht op...
Minimum political rights (o-5) (Zelf-)censuur begonnen in semi-dictatuur Nederland adminjanuari 27, 20210 Repressie van politieke- en essentiële burger rechten, leidt ook snel tot (zelf)censuur uit angst voor bestraffingen,...
Militia, Uprising Soevereiniteit & demonstraties adminjanuari 19, 20210 In bovenstaande video wordt gemeld dat de politie zelf met stenen...
new stuff _6.3.a-6 Working as Equals adminaugustus 10, 20200 Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialismFrom: Jos BoersemaSubject: New law proposal: _6.3.a-6 Working as EqualsOrganization:...
other/new Let’s stop torturing animals for supposed benefit adminmei 13, 20200 A period of reflection and thinking about the way science behaves might be a good idea, because science often behaves...
Minimum political rights (o-5) Strange Corona-virus policies (part 2) adminapril 10, 20200 Isn't it interesing how the Central Banking gangsters have been debating just giving all citizens money directly in...
Council-Government 1917: what could we learn ? adminapril 1, 20200 Picture: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-J0908-0600-002 / CC-BY-SA 3.0 History ought to progress from failure to success....
Council-Government A Democracy school may be a good idea ? adminmaart 30, 20200 To have a system of Council Government¹ requires a people who exhibit a minimum of behavioral standards. It could be...
Minimum political rights (o-5) Political rights targeted in NL admidst strange Corona-virus policies adminmaart 30, 20200 Video: The Coronavirus Pandemic Forces Leaders To Decide: Save Lives Or...
Minimum political rights (o-5) off topic: Haat tegen Joden is dom {Dutch} adminfebruari 1, 20200 Hallo , U lijkt het te doen voorkomen alsof het Joodse volk schuldig is aan allerlei...